A Letter to a First-Year University Student

Dear first-year university student,

We are at a point in history where so much is changing. Your faith and why you believe what you believe will be tested. 

As you begin your first year of university, it is important that you develop a few key habits:

#1 The Spirit of God Is Real AND Required. You must have both spirit and truth. You must know the truth and you need to speak the truth. Part of knowing the truth is reading the Bible and knowing what God’s word says!

#2 Meeting with God DAILY Is Necessary. You must be spiritually feeding yourself daily! These daily meetings are a time for you to seek God, read His word, and hear from Him.

#3 Know Why You Believe What You Believe. As you enter university you will be exposed to many beliefs that will challenge your faith. You must have a solid foundation to base your faith upon.

“Did God really make everything in six days?”

Many people believe you cannot be both a Christian and a thinking person. They think you cannot be an educated person and be a Christian.

When it comes to faith and science, even secular scientists have said there is simply no way to explain science other than a creator. It is all too complex to have just happened. Those that believe this are part of the intelligent design movement. However, their way of thinking comes with a cost. You see, if they believe this, then they are not welcomed into the science world. Following Jesus is not easy for them. Following Jesus will not be easy for you, either. There will come a time when you need to choose.

What will you do to be prepared to give a reason for why you believe what you believe? Can you humbly defend your faith and belief in science and the Bible?

In college, there will be many things fighting for your time and attention, new people to meet, and experiences that you’ve never had before. As a Christian and a first-year university student, remember one thing: you have been given four (or five) years to make an impact at your university! It might sound like a lot of time, but it will go by very fast. I encourage you to take the following advice to heart.

The first few weeks will shape your university experience. You can simply try to get through the next four years, achieve good grades, chase after your future spouse, and take in all the city life has to offer (online learning will not last forever). Let me remind you, the choices and decisions you make now will affect your future. There are choices you make that cannot be undone.

Are you looking to be a radical Christian and do crazy stuff for Jesus? Do you want your life to count for something – for eternity? If the answer is yes, your first step is to find a campus ministry. There are probably many of them at your university. Each one has it’s unique “flavor” – and when you get a taste of the one you’re supposed to be involved with, you will definitely know! It is with this group of Christians that you will get to share your life with, grow in your knowledge of Jesus, and learn what God has made you for. Yes – this can happen while you’re in college!  Don’t wait until after college to start following Jesus… by then, your life will be even more complicated.

Whether you enter university or get a job after you graduate, you must be prepared. The apostle Peter said you must always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope you have. Can you do that?


Someone with life experience

“…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” – 1 Peter 3:15

About the author

Shofar Youth Network exists to come alongside of evangelical youth groups throughout the Philippines. We exist to train and equip youth leaders for fruitful service in the Kingdom of God.