We are now accepting registrations for our upcoming Youth Leader Summit in Balamban on June 8. We are looking for youth (ages 16-24) who are stepping up as LEADERS within their church and youth group. Those who will come, be trained, and go back to their churches and youth groups more passionate and better equipped to lead their peers. For this reason, we are accepting 3 youth per church. Please fill out the Google form on our website to regsiter. DEADLINE is MAY 29!

The topic for this summit is “Unashamed” and will deal with how to boldly live out our faith, and how to reach the communities and people around us for Jesus.

Any questions, message Shofar Youth Network on Facebook!

About the author

Shofar Youth Network exists to come alongside of evangelical youth groups throughout the Philippines. We exist to train and equip youth leaders for fruitful service in the Kingdom of God.