You Have More Time for Bible Reading than You Think

Think about the past 24 hours of your life. What did you spend most of your time on? Where did your minutes go as you waited for your online class or meeting to begin? What did you do at the end of your day before you went to sleep? Can you honestly look at your daily life and say that you’re spending your time wisely? How much of it is going towards TV, Facebook, gaming, YouTube, or other things that aren’t really necessary?

Time is a precious commodity. God has given us a limited amount of it, and once we spend it, we will never get it back again. As a youth leader, it is important to set patterns and disciplines in your life that will help you spend your time wisely. At the end of your life, would you rather look back on time well spent, or time thrown away?

Time is a precious commodity. God has given us a limited amount of it, and once we spend it, we will never get it back again.

Think of it this way – what would you do if someone gave you 5,000 pesos? Would you go out and spend it right way on whatever you see first? Or would you think long and hard about what you would buy with it before letting it go? Hopefully, you’d take time to think about it and spend it wisely.

Now think about your time. Are you spending it wisely? In what ways can you spend it to grow as a disciple of Jesus? One easy way is to start with reading the Bible. It might not cost you as much time as you think. Check out this infographic of how long it takes an average person to read each book of the Bible:

Infographic Source: Desiring God

What about you? Stop making excuses that you don’t have time to do this. You set aside time for gaming, social media, and other things, don’t you? Will you dare to give up one night of movie watching in order to read the book of Job? Can you spend your break between classes on the book of James? What if you used your rest day to read through the Psalms? You might find yourself both physically and spiritually rested.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Psalm 1:1-2

About the author

Shofar Youth Network exists to come alongside of evangelical youth groups throughout the Philippines. We exist to train and equip youth leaders for fruitful service in the Kingdom of God.