Shofar’s Youth Leader Summit – Recap

This past July we hosted two separate day long summits for youth leaders in Tuburan, Cebu and Santa Fe, Bantayan. We met many new faces and reconnected with some old friends too. The day included watching a four-part series from D. A. Horton called “Awaken”, along with small group discussions, prayer, and time for fellowship. The main focus of the day was learning about what a life awakened to God is all about – what real Christianity should look like. We pray that all those who attended would be continually challenged by what they heard, and that God would be real to them in new and exciting ways. Our goal in these events is deepening the faith of those who attended, but that it wouldn’t stop there. We hope everyone went back to their church and youth group better equipped to serve their communities and God.

If you are reading this and did attend one of the summits this past July, we would love to hear from you – (DM us) – has your life been impacted since the summit?

About the author

Shofar Youth Network exists to come alongside of evangelical youth groups throughout the Philippines. We exist to train and equip youth leaders for fruitful service in the Kingdom of God.